2022 AGM

The 2022 BELC AGM will be held on the evening of Tuesday, November 1st at 7:00 pm. The meeting room upstairs at the Susan Fennell Sportsplex has been booked for the occasion (this is the same room last year’s AGM was held in). As well, guests and members will be able to attend virtually through Zoom. Everyone in attendance through Zoom is asked to sign in with their full name for attendance recording purposes.

This meeting will be open to the public, however only members of the BELC may vote, motion, nominate Directors or suggest constitutional amendments. For members unable to attend, please inform President Glenn McClelland if you wish to send in a proxy vote either through the Board or another member.

Nominations And Elections

A special note has to be made regarding the election of Directors this year. As an entire new slate of Directors was elected in 2021 each member of the Board has been asked to consider either standing for re-election this year, or step down if they so wish. This will ensure that going forward election terms are staggered with a potion of the Board being elected each year. When this is decided, the Directors who have volunteered will be posted so that all members are aware ahead of time.

Nominations will be accepted from now until the time of elections. Members may complete a Director Nomination Form and submit it to the President or Secretary, or nominate from the floor at the time of elections. The BELC Board may be comprised of a maximum of 15 elected Directors (this does not include Honourary Life Directors). If this limit is exceeded, the nominee(s) receiving the fewest votes will not be elected.

Constitutional Amendments

Members may submit a suggestion for an amendment to the constitution and By-Laws but completing a Constitutional Amendment Form and submitting it to the President or Secretary. 2022 is a special year for this however as an entire new Governing Document will be presented to the membership for consideration and ratification. It is asked that members first review the proposed new documents and take part in the town hall meeting to give feedback, before submitting suggestions for amendments. More details on this will be emailed directly to members.


2022 AGM to be held Tuesday November 1, 7:00 pm in the upstairs meeting room at Susan Fennell Sportsplex. Virtual meeting available as well, public and members invited to join.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88463108325?pwd=WUpMcStuZ0diMVRsbHBIRUhSeWE2Zz09

Several Director positions will be up for election, the specific Directors volunteering for this will be posted at a later time. Nominations for new Directors will be accepted right up until the start of elections. Amendments will be accepted, though members are asked to review the proposal for new Governing Documents instead.

Director Nomination Forms, Constitutional Amendments Forms and an up to date copy of the Constitution and By-Laws can all be found here.

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